Ertel, Gardennii.
Ertel, Gardennii.
Ertel, Alexande Gardennii. Band I von II. Moskau, Academia 1933. Klein-Oktav. 536 Seiten, 2 nn. Blatt Register. Mit Illustrationen von Belucha Evgeni Dmitrivic. (1889-1943). – siehe Original Leinen. Schiefgelesen, Vorsatz und erste drei Seiten fingerfleckig sonst gut. Ertel was born near Voronezh, where his father was a russified German estate agent. Ertel was in prison for his revolutionary ideas. Ertel published serveral novellas and stories, the Gardenins were first published in 1889, later with a preface by Leo Tolstoi who admired his work. This edition has no introduction by Tolstoi but 62 pages by A. Leshnev.
Preis: EUR 48,-- |