Markalous, Tabaterka.

Markalous, Tabaterka.

Markalous, Bohumil. (Jaromir John). Tabaterka. Povidky olásce. Praha, E.K.Rosendorf, 1922. Klein Oktav. 160 pp. Original illustrated brochure with cover design by Josef Capek. The paper is throughout browned, the cover has some minor tears and the rear cover is missing.

Markalous (1882-1952) was a journalist and an art critic, he wrote for Lidové noviny, was a member of Devetsil and the group 42 and he wrote for Bytová kultura (Wohnkultur) and Pestrý týden (Bunte Woche).

Preis: EUR 77,-- 

Markalous, Tabaterka.