Medvedev, Desjat’ let posle „Odnogo dnja Ivana Denisovitcha“.

Medvedev, Desjat' let posle "Odnogo dnja Ivana Denisovitcha".

Medvedev, Zhores. Desjat’ let posle „Odnogo dnja Ivana Denisovitcha“. London, Macmillan, 1973. . 223 Seiten. Illustrierte Original-Broschur. Gut erhalten. Mit Anstreichungen in Bleistift von Wolfgang Kasack. With notes in pencil by Wolfgang Kasack.

Erstausgabe mit Widmung an Wolfgang Kasack und fünf weiteren Briefen an Wolfgang Kasack. Die Briefe mit Randeinrissen und gefaltet. Rare first edition with five letters to Wolfgang Kasack. (four handwritten, one typed, the letters have several tears at the margins.).
Medvedev was one of the earliest victims of official attempts to stifle opposition by detaining dissidents in mental
institutions. He was diagnosed as suffering from „sluggishly progressing schizophrenia“ and was placed by force to psikhushka (i.e., Soviet psychiatric hospital) in 1970. Academicians Pyotr Kapitsa and Andrei Sakharov defended him, according to Sakharov; „Medvedev’s work in two disparate fields – biology and political science – was regarded as evidence of a split personality… In fact, his detention was the Lysenkovites’ revenge for his book attacking them.“
He was exiled in 1973 from the Soviet Union and now lives with his wife in London where he is a senior research scientist for the National Institute for Medical Research and now a specialist in gerontology. (wikipedia).

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