(Taisnier, La science curieuse. u traite de la Chyromance; Receuilly des plus gr…

(Taisnier, La science curieuse. u traite de la Chyromance; Receuilly des plus gr

(Taisnier, Jean.) La science curieuse. u traite de la Chyromance; Receuilly des plus graves Autheurs qui ont traite de cette matiere, & plus exactement recherche qu’il n’a este cy-devant par aucun autre. Paris, Francois Clousier, 1665. Oktav. 6 nn. pages, 212 pages et 90 planches (gravures sur cuivre) / copper plates. Reliure contemporaine. Contemporary vellum. Zeitgenössischer Pergament Band mit einem blindgeprägten Wappen Contemporary vellum with a gilt coat of arms (unicorn with a crown). Stamp and old annotations on the front fly, the title page and the folllowing three leaves partly browned and with a replaced part of the title. (upper 2cm). Otherwise clean and fine copy.

The rare first edition of this work about palmistry / chiromancie. Taisnier was an astrologer, born 1508 in Ath (Belgium), died 1562 in Cologne.

″un des meilleurs traites de la chiromancie du XVII-e siecle“. „One of the best chiromancy treatises of the 17 th century!“ (Dorbon-Aine 4478) The book was published anonymously, attributed to Taisnier by Sabattini. Umfangreiches Handbuch zur Kunst des Wahrsagens auf Grund von Handlinien. Die Taf. zeigen insgesamt etwa 1300 Abbildungen, meist mit mehreren kleinen Hand-Abbildungen auf einer Tafel.

This book belonged formerly to the library of the famous scientist, ethnographer and linguist, Friedrich Wilhelm Radloff, (* in Berlin 1837- + 1918 in Petrograd), noted in ink: „double Radlov“.

Preis: EUR 848,-- 

(Taisnier, La science curieuse. u traite de la Chyromance; Receuilly des plus gr