Pasternak, Ochrannaja Gramota.

Pasternak, Ochrannaja Gramota.

Pasternak, Boris. Okhrannaja / (Ochrannaja) Gramota. Rom, Aquario, 1970. Small Octavo. 94 pp. Original brochure. The cover has foxing. Der Umschlag ist stockfleckig.

Later samizdat publication of his autobiography.
Boris Pasternak’s (1890-1960) autobiographical work Ochrannaja Gramota, first published in 1931, presents an ostensive example of Modernist poetics. Its story deals with the problem of the narrator’s becoming an artist through encounters with famous people and well-known places.“ quoted from Roll, Serafima. „Writing one’s self. Boris Pasternak’s autobiography“. in Russian Literature XX VI (1989) 407-412, North Holland, Elzevier.

Preis: EUR 38,-- 

Pasternak, Ochrannaja Gramota.