Koslenikov, Pamyatniki prirody. The Monuments of Nature.
Koslenikov, Pamyatniki prirody. The Monuments of Nature.
Koslenikov, B, P. Institut ekologii rastenij i zhivotnykh. (Ural’skij filial AN SSSR). The ecology institut of plants and animals. Pamyatniki prirody. The Monuments of Nature. Okhrana prirody na Urale. The nature conservation of the Ural. Swerdlowsk, Verlag „Ural’skij rabochij“, 1967. 8°. 220 pp. Original brochure, bookspine scuffed, covers minimally soiled, othervise in good condition. With several articles about the Ural nature and its conservation.
Preis: EUR 24,-- |