Havelka, Nekolik listu z domaciho odboje. / A few letters from the home resistan…

Havelka, Nekolik listu z domaciho odboje. / A few letters from the home resistan

Havelka, Frantisek / Hermann, Frantisek (Pblsh.) Nekolik listu z domaciho odboje. / A few letters from the home resistance. Pamatnik k jubilejnimu sjezdu byvalych ceskych dustojniku posadky terezinsko-litomericke za svetovevalky 1914-1918. Prague, Vaclav Tomsa, 1928. 8°. 160 pages. Original leather with golden dekorations. Very good condition.

A few letters from the home resistance: A memorial to the jubilee congress of former Czech officers of the Terezín-Litomerice garrison during the World War 1914-1918, May 1928.

Preis: EUR 24,--