Rumyantsev, Tchi zhiv isus khristos. ( Did Jesus live ?)

Rumyantsev, Tchi zhiv isus khristos. ( Did Jesus live ?)

Rumyantsev, Nikolai. / Rumanzjew, N. Tchi zhiv isus khristos. ( Did Jesus live ?) Kiev, Partvidav TSK KP(b)U, 1938. 8°. 47 pages. Half cloth. Worn, with a stamp of the working library of the Mironovsky district of Kiev region.

Rare Agitprop edition by the Soviet government to reduce the number of religious people. Rumyantsev.(1892-1956) was a Soviet author of several polemics on the history of Christianity. He was also a member of the Soviet circle „Atheist“ and the League of Militant Atheists.[1] In the 1920s Rumyantsev was one of the leading proponents of the so-called mythological school in the Soviet academia. ( wikipedia).

″The book provides scientific evidence of the fictitious, unhistorical nature of Jesus Christ and explains the causes of its mythological image. The book is designed for a trained reader.“

Preis: EUR 340,-- 

Rumyantsev, Tchi zhiv isus khristos. ( Did Jesus live ?)