Tschechische Literatur Czech literature

Die Liste enthält 54 Einträge. Suchergebnisse löschen und Gesamtbestand anzeigen.

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Stichwort, Autor, Titel, Buchbeschreibung
ads Durych, Jaroslav. Na horach. Prague, Ladislav Kuncir, 1928. Kl. 8°. 464 pages. Half vellum binding flower decoration, top edge gilt. Very good condition.

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75,--  Bestellen
a Frank, V. (Editor.) Dr. Karel Kramar k sedesatym narozeninam. Prague, Zensky Svet, 1920. 8°. 101 pages, 21 photographic plates. Original cardboard. Good condition.

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24,--  Bestellen
a Götz, Frantisek. Boj o cesky divadelni sloh. (*signed*) Praze, Praha, Druzstevní, 1934. Oktav. 73, 7 nn pages. Original brochure. = Obzory 3.

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180,--  Bestellen
as Götz, Frantisek. Jasnici se horizont. Pruhledy a podobizny. Prague, Nakladatel Vaclav Petr, 1926. 8°. 264 pages. Half leather, h top edge gilt. The front and endpapers a bit stained, otherwise fine.

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80,--  Bestellen
Halik, Miroslav (editor). Sedm rozhlasku Karla Capka. Praha, Frantisek Borovy, 1946, Groß-Oktav. 22 pages, 2 n. n. pages. Broché. The sides of the book cover are slightly worn, the pages are in a good condition.

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38,--  Bestellen
Hasek, Jaroslav. Osudy Dobrého Vojáka Svejka. (Die Abenteuer des braven Soldaten Schwejk). Za svetové války. Díl III-IV. only volume III and IV. Prague: Státní Nakladatelství Krásné Literatury, 1953. 8°. 352 pages, 1 page index with numerous charming woodcut-illustrations in text. Original cloth-binding with illustration embossed into cover and ribbon. Good condition.

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20,--  Bestellen
a Hora, Josef. Hlineny Babylon. Knihovny aktualit a kuriosit. Praha, Bouckova, 1922. 12°. 31 pages, illustrated. With a frontispiece in woodcut. Original brochure. Good condition.

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80,--  Bestellen
Hora, Josef. Hlineny Babylon. Knihovny aktualit a kuriosit. Praha, Bouckova, 1922. 12°. 31 pages, illustrated. With a frontispiece in woodcut. Original brochure. Good condition.

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65,--  Bestellen
Hora, Josef. Máchovské variace. Verse Praha, Borovy, 1922. Klein Oktav. Blockbuchbindung. With woodcut illustrations by Karel Hruska. Illustrated original broschure The cover is partly worn and stained.

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30,--  Bestellen
hora Hora, Josef. Srdce a vrava sveta. Verse Praha, Borovy, 1922. Klein Oktav. 42 Seiten, 1 Blatt. Illustrated original broschure The margins of the cover are partly stained, one minor lower part

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30,--  Bestellen
Einträge 11–20 von 54
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