Kinderbücher children books

Die Liste enthält 80 Einträge. Suchergebnisse löschen und Gesamtbestand anzeigen.

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Stichwort, Autor, Titel, Buchbeschreibung
Andersen, Leif Esper. Hackepeter. Zürich, Köln, Benzinger Verlag, 1978. 8°. 116 Seiten. Original Pappband mit Schutzumschlag. Anstreichungen mit Bleistift, ansonsten guter Zustand.

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40,--  Bestellen
lieblinge (Anonym). Lieblinge der Kinderwelt. Stuttgart, W. Effenberger (um 1894). Quer-4° / Folio. 12 kartonierte nn. Seiten mit chromolithographischen Tafeln. Original Halbleinen mit Leinenecken, farbigem Buchblock und illustriertem Buchdeckel. Einband leicht angeschmutzt, Ecken und Kanten geringfügig bestoßen und berieben, Seiten leicht angeschmutzt. Innengelenke neu verstärkt.

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220,--  Bestellen
Beran, Regina und Georg J. Tschechische Kinderbücher. Czech Children’s Books. Catalogue 80. Basel, Buchantiquariat „Am Rhein“, 1998. 8° Album. 275 pages, multiple images. Original cloth. Very good condition.

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20,--  Bestellen
Beran, Regina und Georg J. Tschechische Kinderbücher. Czech Children’s Books. Catalogue 71. Basel, Buchantiquariat „Am Rhein“, 1995. 8° Album. 125 pages, multiple images. Original cloth. Very good condition.

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20,--  Bestellen
Bucher, Otmar. Spiel, Spassvogel! Aarau u. Frankfurt a. M. Sauerländer. 1974. 8° 42 S., 50 schwarz-weiße Photographien. Original Pappe, illustriert. In einem sehr guten Zustand.

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18,--  Bestellen
al Caldecott, Randolph. R. Caldecott’S Picture Books. Routledge’s Shilling Toy Books. A set of eight books. London, George Routledge & Sons, about 1875 Groß Oktav. Each story has 6 pages. Contemporary half vellum with marbled boards, top edge gilt, bound in Manchester by Winstanley. Very good condition. Minor foxing on the front flys. = Shilling series.

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280,--  Bestellen
Caldecott, Randolph. The hey diddle diddle picture book. Containing: The Milkmaid, Hey Diddle Diddle and Baby Bunting, A Frog he Would a-Wooing go, the fox jumps over the parson’s gate. London, Warne & Co., about 1875 Groß Oktav. Each story has about 22 pages with several, partly colour illustrations. Original illustrated cloth binding. Partly with a small brown stain at the lower margin. Private dedication on the front fly. =

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60,--  Bestellen
ase Chekhov, A. Mal’chiki. Na arabskom yazyke. Moskva, 1969. 4°. 12 not numbered pages, illustrated. Original brochure. Good condition.

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27,--  Bestellen
a Crane, Walter. The Baby’s Bouquet: A Fresh Bunch of Old Rhymes & Tunes London, Routledge, (1878) Small square 8vo. 56 pages. With a colour frontispiece 10 colour woodcuts by E. Evans after W. Crane and several text illustrations. Original half cloth binding with dark blue covers. The corners slightly bumped, the edges a bit worn.

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98,--  Bestellen
s Crane, Walter. The baby’s opera. A book of old rhymes with new dresses. The music by the earliest masters. London, Routledge, (1877) Small square 8vo. 56 pages. With a colour frontispiece 10 colour woodcuts by E. Evans after W. Crane and several text illustrations. Original half cloth binding with brown covers. The corners slightly bumped, the edges a bit worn, the front fly a bit used at the margins.

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120,--  Bestellen
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