Nosazde, Kavkassioni.

Nosazde, Kavkassioni.

Nosazde, Victor. (editor). Kavkassioni. Revue Géorgienne d’art et scientifique. No. 1 – 2. Paris, Ed. Papava, 1929, Gross Oktav. 128 pages, 1 nn. leaf Index. With images. New brochure. Throughout due to the paper quality browned and with some foxing.

The rare first two numbers of the emigratn magazine “Kavkasioni” a emigrant literature and scientific magazine, which was created by the noted Georgian scholar, public and political figure Victor Nozadze. He has been its editor-in-chief and publisher until his death (1976). The last one has been edited in 1986.
This magazin is about Georgian literature, the role of the Georgian woman, literature and theater critics in the communist press, oil imperialism and the Georgian Revolution.(sic).

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