Aichenwald, Clova o Slovax’.

Aichenwald, Clova o Slovax'.

Aichenwald, Ioli Issaiewitsch. Slova o Slovax’. Kriticheskija statij. Otrizanie teatra. Petrograd, St. Petersburg, Popova, 1916. Oktav. 160 pages. Original clothbound. With several stamps on the titlepage, the paper browned and the title pages with a small damage of paper. The back has a brown large brown stain. Stamped: Tschitalnaja TSCH T Z.

About Cechov, Saltikov-Shedrin, Sadovski… Selma Lagerloef, Strindberg, Flaubert…
Aichenwald was a Russian literature critic (1872-1928). He was the editor literature part of the magazine RUL. In 1922 he emigrated to Berlin.

Our Price: EUR 75,-- 

Aichenwald, Clova o Slovax'.