Kareev, Devyatnadtsatyj vek. Das 19. Jahrhundert. The 19th century.

Kareev, Devyatnadtsatyj vek. Das 19. Jahrhundert. The 19th century.

Kareev, Nikolai, Ivanvic. Devyatnadtsatyj vek. Das 19. Jahrhundert. The 19th century. Period ot 1814 do 1859 g.g. Period from 1814 to 1859. Petrograd, Nauka i shkola, 1923. G. 8°. 120 pp. Original brochure. Margins uncut, rear cover page is missing.

Kareev (1850-1931) was Russian historian and sociologist.About the history in the 18th and 19th centuries, namely about international politics in Europe (periods of peace and war, the Restauration time, the July Monarchy, colonialism, etc.) and the historiography of particular countries (Austria, England, Germany, Italy, Poland and France). No reprint.

Our Price: EUR 48,-- 

Kareev, Devyatnadtsatyj vek. Das 19. Jahrhundert. The 19th century.