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Karanyan, Korzina s elovymi shishkami. A basket with fir cones.

Karanyan, Korzina s elovymi shishkami. A basket with fir cones.

Karanyan, S.A. Korzina s elovymi shishkami. A basket with fir cones. Yerevan / Eriwan, Luis, 1968, 8°. 56 pp. Brochure, slightly yellow and scratched end papers, minimally crumped on the borders.

„Korzina s elovymi shishkami“ contains novels narrate about the 14 years old Mozart, who’s music helped an old cook, about the composer Aram Khachaturyan and his „Dancing with sabers“, about Mukhina, Ge, etc. Exciting novels for pupils. With several monochrome pictures. At the end of the book there’s a Russian-Armenian dictionary with a necessary vocabulary for every novel.

Preis: EUR 48,-- 

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In München finden Sie unsere Galerie & Kunsthandels-Filiale unter www.heckenhauer.net