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Margan, Prva Godishn’itsa.

Margan, Prva Godishn'itsa.

Margan, Vladimir (editor). Prva Godishn’itsa. Prvog kongresa vojvobanskikh gradova. Po nalogu stalnog odbora saveza vojvobanskikh gradova. Panchevo, 1925, Quart. 245 pages, 3 n. n. pages, 3 Plates. Original brochure. The book cover and the binding are worn. Some pages are uncut. Some pages have marks on them or wrinkled, but in a satisfying condition.

A collection of articles and documents dedicated to the annual congress that took place in Pancevo (in Serbia) on the 29th and on the 30th of June 1924 year. The book is created by Vladimir Margan, who was a government official in Pancevo at that time.

Preis: EUR 48,-- 

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