Aleksandrov, Russkie. Istoriko-etnograficheskij atlas.

Aleksandrov, Russkie. Istoriko-etnograficheskij atlas.

Aleksandrov, V. A./Kozlov, V.I. Russkie. Istoriko-etnograficheskij atlas. Zemledelie. Krest’yanskoe zhilishche. Krest’yanskaya odezhda. (Seredina XIX – nachalo XX veka) only the text volume. Moskau. Nauka. 1967. 4° 358 S. Original Leinen. Original cloth. In einem sehr guten Zustand, auf dem Vorsatz einige Stockflecken. – A very good condition, foxing on the end paper.

A historical-ethnographic atlas of Russians with information about the decorations of folk clothes and decoration and planning of furnishing houses. The book contains 88 plates.
Without the folio atlas.

Our Price: EUR 48,--