Harant, Cesta z kralovstvi ceskeho do benatek.

Harant, Cesta z kralovstvi ceskeho do benatek.

Harant, Kristof. Cesta z kralovstvi ceskeho do benatek. Odtud do zeme svate judske a dale do egypta, a potom na horu oreb, sinai a sv. kateriny v puste arabii. 2 volumes. Prague, Frantisk Rivnace, 1854. 8° 1 vl.: XXXII pp., 294 pp., 1 map of Jerusalem, 1 plate; 2 vl.: 296 pp. Contemporary half cloth. Worn, some foxing, stamped on title page and fly front.

A description of a journey from Bohemia to the Holy Land via Venice and the Mediterranian Sea: The journey from the kingdom of Chen to Venice, from there to the Holy Land, to the land of Judah and then to Egypt, and then to the mountain, Oreb, Siani and St. Katerina and desolate Arabia (1606).

This is no reprint, this the original edition !

Preis: EUR 75,--