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Stepun, Byvshee i nesbyvsheesya.

Stepun, Byvshee i nesbyvsheesya.

Stepun, Fyodor. Byvshee i nesbyvsheesya. 2 volumes. New York, Izdatel’stvo Imeni Chekhova, 1956. 396 pages, 2 vl.; 429 pages. Original brochures The spine and cover slightly worn and with minor tears.

„What was and what never came to pass“: Memoirs of the Russian philosopher Fyodor Stepun (1884-1965), dedicated to the Silver Age and the revolution of the 17th year. With a personal dedication by Stepun !

Stepun was born in Moscow, studied in Heidelberg and wrote his dissertation with Wilhelm Windelband. He founded the magazine „Logos“,together with Max Weber and Georg Simmel, which was published in Tübingen (Mohr-Siebeck Verlag) and in St. Petersburg.
Beside this he was a officer of the Russian Army and participated at WW1, from 1917 onwards he as involved in the February Revolution and the workes and soldiers plenum.
In 1922 he was deported from Russia together with Berdjaev, Bulgakov and other philosophers.
He worked as a philosopher at the Dresden university until 1937 , but had to quit his profession due to the Nazi laws. He moved to Rottach-Egern near Munich and was from 1946 on a professor at the Munich university (LMU):

Preis: EUR 320,-- 

Stepun, Byvshee i nesbyvsheesya.

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