Tsankov, Liaskata fauna ot kalotina. / La faune liasique de kalotina – Bulgarie…

Tsankov, Liaskata fauna ot kalotina. / La faune liasique de kalotina - Bulgarie

Tsankov, V. / Bonchev, Ek. / Gochev, P. Liaskata fauna ot kalotina. / La faune liasique de kalotina – Bulgarie du l’ouest. Sofia, Pechatnitsa Khudozhnik, 1933. 8°. Pages 222-242, 2 plates; pages 254 -255; pages 214-220; pages 38-42; pages 206-210. Brochure. Worn, but good condition.

The caterpillar fauna. A collection of articles for the geological history of Bulgaria. 5 booklets.

Tsankov, V. / Bonchev, Ek.: Liaskata fauna ot kalotina / The caterpillar fauna, 1933.
Gochev, P.: Nakhodka na srednomiotsenski naslagi yugoiztochno ot Burgas / Find of Middle Miocene deposits southeast of Bourgas, Special print from the journal of the Bulgarian Geological Society, Volume VII, Issue 3, 1935.
Bonchev, Ekim / Kamenov, Boyan.: Verkhu vozrasta na plastovet s soraster vilanovae v gornata kreda na S. Z.Bolgariya / About the age of the coraster Villanovae layers in the upper chalk N.W. Bulgaria, Special print from the magazine of the Bulgarian Geological Society, Volume IV, Issue 3, Sofia 1932
Tsankov, V.: Verkhu Tsenomana v severoiztochna Bolgariya / Top of Tsenoman in north-eastern Bulgaria, Special print from the magazine of the Bulgarian Geological Society, Volume II, Issue 3, Sofia 1930
Gochev, P.: Dopustimo li e sushchestvuvaneto na andijska (mladokimerska) faza na planioobrazuvane v zapadna Bolgariya? / Is the presence of the Andean (Young Cimmerian) phase of mountain formation in western Bulgaria possible? Special print from the magazine of the Bulgarian Geological Society, Volume VI, Issue 3, Sofia 1934

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Tsankov, Liaskata fauna ot kalotina. / La faune liasique de kalotina - Bulgarie