Bor’ba s gibel’yu ozimykh kul’tur.
Bor'ba s gibel'yu ozimykh kul'tur.
Mosolov, V. P. / Kralin, P.I. (Pbl.). Bor’ba s gibel’yu ozimykh kul’tur. Agrotekhnicheskie meropriyatiya. Moskva, Vsesoyuznaya akademiya nauk, 1940. 8°. 17 pages. Original brochure. Worn. rare. Fighting the death of winter crops. Agrotechnical measures. Resolution of the All-Union meeting on combating the death of winter crops, held by the section of plant growing of the All-Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences named after V.I. Lenin on January 25-28, 1940.
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