Khejsin, collection of different works. / Sammelband.

Khejsin, collection of different works. / Sammelband.

Khejsin, M. / Kautskij, K. / Aksel’rod, P. / Libknekht, V. / Bakh, A. / Vandervel’d, E. collection of different works. / Sammelband. Petrograd, Odessa, 1905-1906. 8°. 48 pages, 16 pages, 55 pages, 48 pages, 32 pages, 106 pages, 40 pages, 3 illustrations. Contemorary clothbound. Good condition, private name on title, titles partly stamped, (Salle de Lecture, Russe Paris; Sozialistov revoljuzionerov Partii and a bookseller stamp” and a Bookshop “…Magazin”.

Collection of socialist / marxist texts from the beginning of the 20th century.
Kautsky is notable for, in addition to his anti-Bolshevik polemics, his editing and publication of Marx’s Capital, Volume IV (usually published as Theories of Surplus Value).

Khejsin, M. / Shcheglo, L.: Chemu uchat sotsial-Demokraty? (What are the Social Democrats teaching?), Petrograg, Izdatel’stvo “Kniga”.
Kautskij, K.: Agrarnyj vopros (The agrarian question), Odessa, Knigoizdatel’stvo “Demos”, 1906.
Aksel’rod, P.B.: Narodnaya duma i rabochij s’ezd. 2-e izdanie s 2-mya prilozheniyami (The People’s Council and the labor congress. 2nd edition with 2 annexes), S.-Peterburg, Knigoizdatel’stvo “Novyj mir”, 1907.
Libknekht, V.: Karl Marks. Biograficheskij ocherk. (Karl Marx. Biographical sketch.), Knigoizdatel’stvo “Demos”, 1905.
Kautskij, K.: Fridrikh Engel’s. Ego zhizn’ i deyatel’nost’. (Friedrich Engels. His life and work.), Knigoizdatel’stvo “Demos”, 1905.
Bakh, A.N.: Ekonomicheskie ocherki. (Economic essays), Odessa, Izdanie Vl. Raspopova, 1905.
Vandervel’d, E.: Idealizm v marksizme. (Idealism in Marxism. ), Izdatel’stvo “Zemlya i trud”, 1905.

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