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Die Liste enthält 16 Einträge. Suchergebnisse löschen und Gesamtbestand anzeigen.

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Stichwort, Autor, Titel, Buchbeschreibung
  10 rokiv pratsi. Parizh, Natsionalistichne Vidavnitstvo v Evropi, 1959. 8°. 54 pages. Original brochure. Good condition.

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38,--  Bestellen
  Leshchenko, M.N. Selyanskij rukh na Ukrajini v roki pershoji rosijskoji revolyotsiji Kiev, Derzhavne Vidavnitstvo politichnoji literaturi URSR, 1956. 186 pages. Half cloth binding. In good condition.

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24,--  Bestellen
  Logvinenko, Mikhajlo. Khudozhnik Slova. Kiev, Radyans’kij Pis’mennik. 1956. kl. 8°. 216 pages. Half-Cloth. Good condition.

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30,--  Bestellen
s Makhnovets’, Leonid (translator). Litopis rus’kij. Kyiv, Dnipro, 1989. Folio. XIV, 590 pages. With various black and white photographs and illustrations. Original Cloth. Cover with small spots, otherwise good condition. Some annotations and underlinings inside by Prof. Ludolf Mueller. Otherwise fine.

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48,--  Bestellen
  Mirchuk, I. Ukraine and its people. Munich 1949. VII p., 280 p. with a physical map of Ukraine. Broschur. In good condition.

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75,--  Bestellen
  Moroz, A. T. (pbl.) Pis’menniki padyans’koj Ukraini. Biobibliografichnij dovidnik. Kiev, Radyans’kij pis’mennik, 1981. 8° 326 pages. Original clothbound. Very good condition.

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32,--  Bestellen
l Piller, Piotr. Cykularne Miasto Zoloczow. Kreisstadt Zoloczow. Zolochiv / Zolotschiw. with the Jagelllonian castle. Lwow / Lviv / Lemberg, Aucher ( Stecher / Drucker), circa 1837. 16,5 + 2cm (Rand / title) x 23,7 cm. Original Lithography mounted on silk paper. With passepartout. Slightly browned, the left margin has been is cut narrowly at the outer line.

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380,--  Bestellen
d Piller, Piotr. Das Schloß in Podhorce im Zloczower Kreise. Zamek w Podhorcach w cyrkule Zlocowskim. Solotschiw. Lwow, Lemberg, Aucher ( Stecher / Drucker), circa 1837. 16,5 + 2cm (Rand / title) x 23,5 cm. Original Lithography mounted on silk paper. With passepartout. Partly on the left side with a narrow margin, a bit stained in the lower right margin.

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680,--  Bestellen
k Schewtschenko / Ševcenko, Taras Hryhorovyc: Ausgewählte Gedichte. Aus dem Ukrainischen von Julia Virginia. Leipzig, Xenien-Verlag, 1911. Oktav. 112 Seiten. Mit einem Frontispiz, Porträt des Dichters. Grüner Originalpappband mit goldgeprägtem Deckel und Rückentitel und grünem Kopfschnitt. An einer Ecke leicht bestossen, sonst gut erhalten.

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220,--  Bestellen
  Sevcenko, Taras. / Shevshenko Dnevnik. Avtobiografija / Avtobiografia / Autobiography / Avtografy. Red. V.A. Zina. Kiev 1972. 4°. (unpag., etwa 210 S.); XXV. Original cloth bound with dustjacket. The wrappers dusty and with tears.

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120,--  Bestellen
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