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Atlas zemletrjasenij v SSSR. Rezul’taty nabljudenij seti sejsmic. stancij SSSR 1911-1957gg. Moskau, Izd. Akad. Nauk, 1962. 4°. 336 pages, 1 leave. Original Leinen. Cloth bound. Slighty stained and a bit dusty. | 65,-- | ||
Bushmelev, G.A. (editor). Atlas Kirovskoj oblasti. Moskva, GUGIK pri sovete ministrov SSSR, 1968, Quart, 38 pages. (illustrated). Halbleinen. Corners a bit worn. otherwise good. | 38,-- | ||
Kopp, Horst und Wolfgang Rölling. Tübinger Atlas des Vorderen Orients. TAVO. Kartenteil A: Geographie und Kartenteil B: Geschichte. Sonderreihe BS sowie Register zu den Karten / General Index A – Z und Sachindex / Subject Index. Karten und 3 Indexbände. / 3 vols index. Wiesbaden, Reichert Verlag, 1977-2000. 72 x 50 cm x 20 cm + Octavo (index vols), Circa 300 gefaltete Karten mit farbigen Details. About 300 folded maps with coloured details. And 1944 Index pages + the overview brochure. Lose maps. Lose Karten. Plano. Very good. | 1.200,-- | ||
Mashovets, V.I. (editor). Atlas Leningradskoj Oblasti. Moskva, GUGIK pri sovete ministrov SSSR, 1967, Quart, 82 pages. (illustrated). Original clothbound. | 38,-- | ||
Sanson, Nicolas. Atlas Portatif et Nouveau du Voyageur pour l’Italie, avec la Description Geographique & une Table pour trouver facilement les Villes, & c. Amsterdam, Mortier, about 1700. Octav. 56 pages; 16 pages index. With 12 maps. (10 detailled maps and 2 overview maps), all with contemporary coloured frontier lines and an engraved mileage scale. Contemporary marbled cardboard. A bit waterstained. The spine has been restored professionally. Private stamp on title, otherwise fine and complete. | 580,-- | ||
Smirnov, N.N. (editor). Atlas Voronezhskoj oblasti. Moskva, GUGIK pri sovete ministrov SSSR, 1968, Quart, 32 pages. (illustrated). Halbleinen. The corners of the cover are a bit wrinkled. | 39,-- | ||
Zmuda, Krolikowski (editors). Atlas Województwa Katowickiego. Warszawa, Panstwowe Przedsiebiorstwo Wydawnictw Kartograficznych, 1971, Quart, 15 pages, 1 n. n. page, 48 plates. Leinen. The top part of the book cover is slightly worn. 36 plates are not glued with the binding. | 24,-- | ||
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