
The catalog contains 2 items. Drop search results and show the complete catalog.

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Subject, Author, Title, Bibliography
kr B.A. Russisch-Türkischer Krieg 1853-56 (Krimkrieg 1854). 8 Blatt Karikaturen. / 8 cartoons 1856 20 x 25 cm loose lithographs, part of a book or magazine.

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Badalyan Kh.A., Arutyunyan A.O. (editors). Iz istorii inostrannoj interventsii v Armenii v 1918 g. Dokumenty. Erevan, Izdatel’stvo Erevanskogo universiteta, 1970, Oktav. 246 pages, 2 n. n. pages. Half cloth. The book cover is a bit worn, pages are in a very good condition.

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