
The catalog contains 5 items. Drop search results and show the complete catalog.

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Subject, Author, Title, Bibliography
Porebski, Eugenjusz. Wyklady psychotechniki. Warszawa, Sklad glowny – dom Ksiazki Polskiej, 1927, Groß-Oktav. 272 pages, 2 n. n. pages. Halbleinen (half cloth). The cover is slightly worn, otherwise good.

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48,--  Order
Valenstein, Elliot S. Great and desperate cures. The rise and decline of psychosurgery and other radical treatments for mental illness. New York, Basic Books, 1986. Gr. 8°. XIV, 338 pages, illustrated. Original cloth with dust jacket. With a few marks in ballpen by Klaus Harpprecht.

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van Voren, Robert. Koryagin. A Man struggling for human dignity. Amsterdam, Second World Press, 1987. 8°. 112 Seiten. Original brochure. Including several photographs. Good condition.

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von Weizsäcker, Viktor. Soziale Krankheit und soziale Gesundung. Berlin, Julius Springer, 1930. gr. 8. IV, 52 Seiten. Original Broschur. Der Umschlag mit leichten Gebrauchsspuren. Rücken leicht beschädigt.

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Wanke, Georg. Psychiatrie und Pädagogik. Wiesbaden, J.F. Bergmann, 1905. Gr. 8°. 26 Seiten. Interimsbroschur.

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