Porter, The Stone Theatre at St. Petersburg.

Porter, The Stone Theatre at St. Petersburg.

Porter, Robert Ker. (del.) and J.C. Stadler. (sculp.) The Stone Theatre at St. Petersburg. (Imperial Bolshoi Kamenny Theatre). London, R. Phillips, 1809. 22,2 x 29,2 cm. 8¾ x 11½“ inches Aquatinta. Unter Passepartout. Gut erhalten. A fine and good condition.

Reference: Porter, R. K. „Travelling sketches in Russia and Sweden during the years 1805-1808“, an English archaeologist and diplomat.
The theatre was built in 1783 and was in the 19th century the main Russian theatre for Ballet and Opera.

Preis: EUR 140,-- 

Porter, The Stone Theatre at St. Petersburg.