Statisticheskoe upravlenie goroda Tbilisi. Ctatisticheskij sbornik k 50-letiyu V…

Statisticheskoe upravlenie goroda Tbilisi. Ctatisticheskij sbornik k 50-letiyu V

Tiflis Kakuriya, Sh.K. (Pblsh.). Ctatisticheskij sbornik k 50-letiyu Velikoj Oktyabr’skoj Sotsiolisticheskoj Revolyutsii. Tbilisi. Tbilisi, Statisticheskoe upravlenie goroda Tbilisi, 1967. Kl. 8°. 177 pages. Original cloth. Good condition.

Statistical office of the city of Tbilisi. Statistical collection dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the Great October Sociolist Revolution.

Preis: EUR 48,--